Download The Urantia Book (Part 3): The History of Urantia [Earth]

Descriptions The Urantia Book (Part 3): The History of Urantia [Earth] for Free

Download The Urantia Book (Part 3): The History of Urantia [Earth]

After listening to Part 1 and Part 2 of The Urantia Book, listening to Part 3 makes you feel like an astronaut returning to earth from a long space voyage. Part 3 depicts the history of life on earth since its origin more than four-and-one-half billion years ago. It traces the story of human existence from the birth of the first two human beings nearly 993,500 years ago. Beyond explaining our physical evolution, Part 3 describes the development of civilization, industry, government, religion, and family life. The records of human tribulation and progress indicate that we are moving toward a better world. Highlights from Part 3 include: A scientific explanation of the origin of our solar system and our world; the stages of a divinely guided evolutionary process; the ages of fishes, birds, dinosaurs, and primates; how and why human life evolved on earth; the story of the first two human beings; the triumphs and tragedies of Adam and Eve; Abraham, Moses, Van, Lao-tse, Confucius, Ikhnaton, . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

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