
Showing posts from July, 2016

Pilates Con Accesorios. Rodillo, Banda Elástica, Círculo Mágico, Pelota

Descripciones Pilates Con Accesorios. Rodillo, Banda Elástica, Círculo Mágico, Pelota Gratis Los ejercicios de pilates, acompañados con accesorios, permiten una rutina de trabajo más intensa y variada. Con las bandas elásticas se aumenta la resistencia, los rodillos permiten trabajar la estabilidad, las pelotas pequeñas facilitan el trabajo con los muslosà Además, se aumenta el equilibrio, se relajan tensiones y se alivia el dolor. Cada movimiento se explica con claridad y con secuencias fotográficas que muestran en detalle la ejecución de los ejercicios. También se desarrollan programas especiales para la recuperación de lesiones y problemas crónicos. Los niveles de ejercicios están pensados para aprender el método pilates con una progresión natural para el cuerpo y evitar lesiones. . Encuentre y descargue sus libros favoritos sin gastar dinero extra. El registro es gratuito. Haga clic aquí para descargar: Mirror : Link 1 - 48,411 KB/Sec Mirror : Link 2 - 40,005 KB/Sec Descargar Libro...

Download Leading the Transformation: Applying Agile and DevOps Principles at Scale Online

Descriptions Leading the Transformation: Applying Agile and DevOps Principles at Scale Free Ebook Read Leading the Transformation: Applying Agile and DevOps Principles at Scale book online now. You also can download other books, magazine and also comics. Get online Leading the Transformation: Applying Agile and DevOps Principles at Scale today. Are you Looking Download or read Leading the Transformation: Applying Agile and DevOps Principles at Scale for free..? enjoy it. Software is becoming more and more important across a broad range of industries, yet most technology executives struggle to deliver software improvements their businesses require. Leading-edge companies like Amazon and Google are applying DevOps and Agile principles to deliver large software projects faster than anyone thought possible. But most executives don’t understand how to transform their current legacy systems and processes to scale these principles across their organizations. Leading the Transformation is ...

Download The Female Vision: Women's Real Power at Work book

Descriptions The Female Vision: Women's Real Power at Work Download Read The Female Vision: Women's Real Power at Work book online now. You also can download other books, magazine and also comics. Get online The Female Vision: Women's Real Power at Work today. Are you Looking Download or read The Female Vision: Women's Real Power at Work for free..? enjoy it. Women and men experience the world differently - not only do they see things differently, but they see different things. Men tend to have a bottom line, sharply focused, linear way of thinking that excludes any role for emotion or empathy. Women are more empathetic, more aware of the critical impact of interpersonal factors both within and without the organization. Both perspectives are important, but at the moment organizations only reward traditionally male skills and points of view. Based on extensive research and workplace experience, The Female Vision demonstrates that what women perceive in organizations ...


Descripciones Shantala Descarga Las semanas que siguen al nacimiento son como la travesía de un desierto poblado de monstruos: las nuevas sensaciones internas que asaltan el cuerpo del niño. Tras el calor del seno materno, después del abrazo que es el nacimiento, llega la soledad helada de la cuna y entonces surge una fiera, el hambre, que muerde al bebé en las entrañas. Sin embargo, lo que trastorna al niño no es la crueldad de la herida. Es la novedad, que confiere al ogro unas proporciones inmensas. ¿Cómo calmar semejante angustia? ¿Alimentar al niño? Sí. Pero no solo con leche. Hay que abrazarlo, acariciarlo, acunarlo... y masajearlo. Hay que hablarle a la piel; hablarle a su espalda, que tiene tanta sed y tanta hambre como su vientre. En los países que han conservado el sentido profundo de las cosas, las mujeres todavía conservan esta sabiduría. Aprendieron de sus madres y enseñarán a sus hijas este arte profundo, sencillo y muy antiguo que ayuda a los niños a aceptar el mundo...


Descripciones TU VIDA CONTIGO: ¿PREPARADO PARA AUTOGOBERNARTE? Ebook gratis La prolongación en nuestra esperanza de vida nos brinda el desafío de ser felices en un tiempo que nos ha sido regalado. Merecemos ser felices aquí y ahora, porque cada día puede ser nuestro último día en la tierra. Debemos vivir una vida conectada con todo lo que nos rodea, para alcanzar la plenitud, el compromiso y la felicidad de una existencia que valga la pena vivir. Trabajo, familia, dinero y amor son piezas claves que te serán recordadas en este libro, que seguro te servirá de empujón para centrarte en lo que debería ser más importante para ti: tu vida . Encuentre y descargue sus libros favoritos sin gastar dinero extra. El registro es gratuito. Haga clic aquí para descargar: Mirror : Link 1 - 48,411 KB/Sec Mirror : Link 2 - 40,005 KB/Sec Descargar Libros Epub Gratis En Español Sin Registrarse,Papyrefb Descargar Libros,Libros De Megan Maxwell Descargar Gratis,Paginas De Descargas De Libros,Descargar Libr...

Como ser un soltero de oro o encontrar a la pareja de tu vida: El arte de vivir una vida plena independientemente de tu estado civil

Descripciones Como ser un soltero de oro o encontrar a la pareja de tu vida: El arte de vivir una vida plena independientemente de tu estado civil Gratis Reseña del editor ¿Sientes que no tener pareja es un fracaso? ¿Te sientes inmensamente solo, y crees que eso cambiaría si tuvieras pareja? ¿Estás cansado de encadenar una relación insatisfactoria tras otra? Entonces este libro es para ti. Escrito desde el respeto y la experiencia, te enseña que no es oro todo lo que reluce, y que tener pareja no es tan idílico como tú lo imaginas. Ser soltero, si te conviertes en un soltero de oro, te permite disfrutar de una vida plena, repleta de grandes posibilidades en las que probablemente ni siquiera te has parado a pensar. Ser soltero de oro significa ni más ni menos que ser feliz con uno mismo. Pero si crees que ha llegado el momento de compartir tu vida con alguien, este libro te da las claves necesarias para encontrar pareja desde una posición más sana y alejada del sufrimiento. Sea cual se...

Guía de remedios naturales para niños (LUCIÉRNAGA NOVA)

Descripciones Guía de remedios naturales para niños (LUCIÉRNAGA NOVA) Online gratis En este libro se recogen consejos prácticos sobre remedios naturales para un centenar de afecciones comunes entre los niños. Las dolencias se organizan de la A a la V para una fácil consulta. Cada apartado ofrece recomendaciones sobre: 1) alimentación saludable; 2) plantas y aceites esenciales; 3) flores de Bach; 4) hidroterapia y geoterapia; 5) homeopatía y sales de Schüssler; 6) masajes; 7) reflexología y 8) recomendaciones generales.Esta obra incluye además: una «Introducción a las terapias naturales » en la que se explica detalladamente el uso correcto de las terapias abordadas; consejos para crear un «Botiquín natural», de gran utilidad para la organización de un estuche de remedios naturales que conviene tener siempre a mano; un «Ejemplo de cuestionario de terapias naturales» para que los padres vayan bien preparados a una consulta, lo que contribuirá al éxito del tratamiento; una sección de «Prev...

Gracias a tus malos padres: Lecciones de una infancia difícil (VARIOS VERGARA)

Descripciones Gracias a tus malos padres: Lecciones de una infancia difícil (VARIOS VERGARA) Descarga Reflexiones que animan a transformar las experiencias negativas en oportunidades de autosuperación. Richard Bach es ampliamente conocido por su célebre best seller 'Juan Salvador Gaviota', un clásico de la autoayuda espiritual. En este caso se adentra en el tema de las situaciones violentas vividas en la infancia, y ofrece una serie de pensamientos para estimular ?e incluso desafiar?a sus lectores a extraer una enseñanza positiva de ellas. ¿Tu padre o tu madre te han hecho sufrir? ¿Ambos? ¿Te has sentido menospreciado, ignorado, perseguido o maltratado por las personas que debían quererte y protegerte? Si te ha pasado, no estás solo. Los padres perfectos no existen, pero muchos son francamente malos. El daño que causan en la autoestima de sus hijos puede ser profundo, y las heridas, difíciles de curar. . Encuentre y descargue sus libros favoritos sin gastar dinero extra. El reg...

Free The Career Playbook: Essential Advice for Today's Aspiring Young Professional book

Descriptions The Career Playbook: Essential Advice for Today's Aspiring Young Professional Download Read The Career Playbook: Essential Advice for Today's Aspiring Young Professional book online now. You also can download other books, magazine and also comics. Get online The Career Playbook: Essential Advice for Today's Aspiring Young Professional today. Are you Looking Download or read The Career Playbook: Essential Advice for Today's Aspiring Young Professional for free..? enjoy it. Are you about to graduate and begin your job search? Or are you a young professional trying to choose the right field or looking for that perfect position that will catapult your career?Figuring out a career and getting a great job has never been more difficult. On top of that, today’s graduates are looking for not only good jobs but positions that will help them launch careers in which they can grow and prosper. But knowing what to look for and how to actually land a great job is exce...

Download How Successful People Think Workbook book

Descriptions How Successful People Think Workbook book Read How Successful People Think Workbook book online now. You also can download other books, magazine and also comics. Get online How Successful People Think Workbook today. Are you Looking Download or read How Successful People Think Workbook for free..? enjoy it. Full of interactive questions and space for readers to provide answers, as well as new material for readers to assess their current type of thinking, this workbook guides readers in applying the lessons they learned from How Successful People Think or the book which it was derived from, Thinking For A Change. Each of the eleven chapters will focus on one type of thinking, and contain a case study, critical thinking questions, a journal section, and an action plan of steps to help the reader create a personalized plan. Please follow instruction step by step until finish to get How Successful People Think Workbook for free. Enjoy It !!

Guia facil de limpieza nasal con lota

Descripciones Guia facil de limpieza nasal con lota Gratis Guía fácil de limpieza nasal con lota editado por Oeral ediciones . Encuentre y descargue sus libros favoritos sin gastar dinero extra. El registro es gratuito. Haga clic aquí para descargar: Mirror : Link 1 - 48,411 KB/Sec Mirror : Link 2 - 40,005 KB/Sec Descargar Libros Epub Gratis En Español Sin Registrarse,Papyrefb Descargar Libros,Libros De Megan Maxwell Descargar Gratis,Paginas De Descargas De Libros,Descargar Libros Pdf Gratis En Español Completos Sin Registrarse,Papyrefb2.Descarga De Libros,Leer Libros Online Gratis En Español Sin Descargar,Leer Libros Online Gratis En Español Sin Descargar,Paginas Para Descargar Libros Gratis Sin Registrarse,Paginas Para Descargar Libros Gratis Para Ebook

Revitalízate (ALIMENTACION)

Descripciones Revitalízate (ALIMENTACION) Descarga Las mejores recetas de la cocina energética Si ha sospechado usted alguna vez que, como reza la voz popular, somos los que comemos, éste es el libro que andaba buscando. Jorge Pérez-Calvo, médico especialista en dietoterapia, nos enseña cómo cada alimento que ingerimos posee una energía y propiedades muy específicas que, combinadas con sabiduría, pueden restaurar no sólo nuestra salud física, sino también nuestro ánimo y nuestro intelecto. Migrañas, tristeza, mala circulación, falta de concentración, somnolencia o apatía: todo puede ser tratado en la cocina. Como ejemplo práctico de todo esto, Revitalízate nos ofrece además un completo recetario de fácil manejo, profusamente ilustrado, para ayudarnos a elegir cada día el plato más conveniente según nuestras necesidades. En definitiva, una completa y clara guía de consulta que nos hará comprender la importancia y el poder que residen en el arte de la buena alimentación. Jorge Pérez-Cal...

LA OTRA HERENCIA: Guia fácil de Constelaciones Sistémicas

Descripciones LA OTRA HERENCIA: Guia fácil de Constelaciones Sistémicas Libro PROLOGO DE BRIGITTE CHAMPETIR DE RIBES Querido lector, tienes entre tus manos una guía sobre las constelaciones familiares. Este libro te viene del corazón de Lola Belmonte cuya energía busca siempre como ayudar a alguien que empieza a bucear en el mundo del crecimiento y de la transformación. Lola es una gran emprendedora al servicio de los demás. Su arte y su fuerza es acercar a alguien lo que está necesitando antes de que él mismo sea capaz de formularlo. Para ello su búsqueda incansable de todo lo que se mueve y aporta algo en el mundo de la sanación. Su experimentación abierta y respetuosa de las múltiples técnicas que se están ofreciendo hoy en día. Su creatividad incansable para transmitir de un modo siempre renovado los talentos y riquezas de los que tienen algo que ofrecer a los que están en busca y necesidad de algo para ser más felices. Este presente libro te permite un recorrido completo, ameno y ...

Psilio - la dieta orgánica con éxito garantizado: Muchas dietas sólo traen un éxito a corto plazo. - ¡El producto natural "psilio" traerá un éxito continuo ... la pérdida de peso y para vivir de manera

Descripciones Psilio - la dieta orgánica con éxito garantizado: Muchas dietas sólo traen un éxito a corto plazo. - ¡El producto natural "psilio" traerá un éxito continuo ... la pérdida de peso y para vivir de manera Gratis ¡Peter Carl Simons está destinado a pasar a la historia moderna como el autor quien trajo la maravillosa purificación y cualidades curativas de psilio (platago ovata) a solicitud de personas cansadas de hacer dieta en todo el mundo! A menudo se vende como psilio de la india, ¡la cáscara de la semilla de psilio hace más por tu cuerpo de lo que nunca hayas imaginado! La hipertensión, la diabetes tipo 2 y la obesidad son sólo algunas de las enfermedades de las que el psilio te liberará. Con todas las dietas, suplementos y píldoras en el mercado hoy, ¿no es bueno saber que hay un producto natural, orgánico que realmente funciona? Consigue tu copia de PSILIO - LA DIETA ORGÁNICA CON ÉXITO GARANTIZADO y ama a tu cuerpo en la salud, la integridad y la felicidad, ¿n...

Free How I Raised Myself From Failure PDF Format

Descriptions How I Raised Myself From Failure PDF Read How I Raised Myself From Failure book online now. You also can download other books, magazine and also comics. Get online How I Raised Myself From Failure today. Are you Looking Download or read How I Raised Myself From Failure for free..? enjoy it. A business classic endorsed by Dale Carnegie, How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling is for anyone whose job it is to sell. Whether you are selling houses or mutual funds, advertisements or ideas—or anything else—this book is for you. When Frank Bettger was twenty-nine he was a failed insurance salesman. By the time he was forty he owned a country estate and could have retired. What are the selling secrets that turned Bettger’s life around from defeat to unparalleled success and fame as one of the highest paid salesmen in America? The answer is inside How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling. Bettger reveals his personal experiences and explains the fo...

Atención plena: Atención para principiantes: Aprende cómo dejar de preocuparte, reducir estrés,superar la ansiedad, calmar tu mente, aumentar tu felicidad, mejorar la concentración, disfrutar

Descripciones Atención plena: Atención para principiantes: Aprende cómo dejar de preocuparte, reducir estrés,superar la ansiedad, calmar tu mente, aumentar tu felicidad, mejorar la concentración, disfrutar Ebook gratis Atención plena para principiantes - incluye ejercicios prácticos de atención plena ☆☆ "La atención plena me ha ayudado a tener éxito en casi todas las dimensiones de mi vida. Al detenerme regularmente a reflexionar y conocer mi estado mental, me mantengo conectado a la fuente de mis acciones y pensamientos y puedo guiarlos con mucha más intención." Dustin Moskovitz (cofundador de Facebook) ☆☆ Probablemente has escuchado la frase "atención plena" al menos una vez en tu vida. Se menciona en internet, programas de televisión y quizás entre amigos. Pero en realidad, ¿qué es la atención plena? Este libro te ayudará a comprender el misterio de la atención plena, dando una introducción detallada de la atención plena junto con ejemplos prácticos para aplicar...

Download SHIFT: How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times PDF Format

Descriptions SHIFT: How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times Download Read SHIFT: How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times book online now. You also can download other books, magazine and also comics. Get online SHIFT: How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times today. Are you Looking Download or read SHIFT: How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times for free..? enjoy it. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER WALL STREET JOURNAL BUSINESS BESTSELLER USA TODAY MONEY BESTSELLER"Tough times make or break people. My friend Gary teaches you how to make the tragic into magic. Read & reap from this great book." --Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator, #1 New York Times best selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul Co-author, Cracking the Millionaire Code, The One Minute Millionaire, and Cash in a Flash. Author, Richest Kids in America "Real estate buyers and sellers have to SHIFT their mindset to new and more creative strategies in this challenging real estate market. This ...

La vida antes y después de un infarto

Descripciones La vida antes y después de un infarto Ebook gratis 'La vida antes y después de infarto' describe y responde de forma clara y exhaustiva la mayoría de las dudas y temores que tienen los enfermos que acaban de sufrir un infarto de miocardio. Las recomendaciones que se hacen van a ayudar, sin duda, a todos los pacientes y sus familiares a afrontar de forma tranquila y responsable la vida después del infarto, que como dicen los autores puede ser igual de gratificante que antes y, con todo seguridad, más sana si se siguen las indicaciones que se dan en esta publicación. Además, este libro puede interesar a las personas que, sin haber tenido un infarto o una angina de pecho, se preocupan por conocer la importancia de controlar los factores de riesgo coronario y los beneficios de una más sana sobre su salud cardiovascular. . Encuentre y descargue sus libros favoritos sin gastar dinero extra. El registro es gratuito. Haga clic aquí para descargar: Mirror : Link 1 - 48,411...

Amar sin sufrir: ni los hombres son imposibles, ni las mujeres incomprensibles (Bolsillo)

Descripciones Amar sin sufrir: ni los hombres son imposibles, ni las mujeres incomprensibles (Bolsillo) Online gratis ¿Por qué nos hace sufrir tanto el amor?, ¿por qué se acaba?, ¿es tan difícil llevarnos bien pasadas las primeras fases de la relación? Aunque las respuestas son muchas, María Jesús Álava, autora de libros de gran éxito como La inutilidad del sufrimiento y . Encuentre y descargue sus libros favoritos sin gastar dinero extra. El registro es gratuito. Haga clic aquí para descargar: Mirror : Link 1 - 48,411 KB/Sec Mirror : Link 2 - 40,005 KB/Sec Descargar Libros Epub Gratis En Español Sin Registrarse,Papyrefb Descargar Libros,Libros De Megan Maxwell Descargar Gratis,Paginas De Descargas De Libros,Descargar Libros Pdf Gratis En Español Completos Sin Registrarse,Papyrefb2.Descarga De Libros,Leer Libros Online Gratis En Español Sin Descargar,Leer Libros Online Gratis En Español Sin Descargar,Paginas Para Descargar Libros Gratis Sin Registrarse,Paginas Para Descargar Libros Gra...

Free Download Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind

Descriptions Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind Download In celebration of selling 3 million copies, FaithWords is publishing a special updated edition of BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND. Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger and feelings of condemnation: all these are attacks on the mind. If readers suffer from negative thoughts, they can take heart! Joyce Meyer has helped millions win these all-important battles. In her most popular bestseller ever, the beloved author and minister shows readers how to change their lives by changing their minds. She teaches how to deal with thousands of thoughts that people think every day and how to focus the mind the way God thinks. And she shares the trials, tragedies, and ultimate victories from her own marriage, family, and ministry that led her to wondrous, life-transforming truth--and reveals her thoughts and feelings every step of the way. This special updated edition includes an additional introduction and updated content t...

Free Counted With The Stars (Christian Historical Fiction)

Descriptions Counted With The Stars (Christian Historical Fiction) Free Online A Story of Love, Desperation, and Hope During a Great Biblical Epoch Sold into slavery by her father and forsaken by the man she was supposed to marry, young Egyptian Kiya must serve a mistress who takes pleasure in her humiliation. When terrifying plagues strike Egypt, Kiya is in the middle of it all. To save her older brother and escape the bonds of slavery, Kiya flees with the Hebrews during the Great Exodus. She finds herself utterly dependent on a fearsome God she's only just beginning to learn about, and in love with a man who despises her people. With everything she's ever known swept away, will Kiya turn back toward Egypt or surrender her life and her future to Yahweh? . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Free Download Closer to God Each Day: 365 Devotions for Everyday Living

Descriptions Closer to God Each Day: 365 Devotions for Everyday Living Free Ebook In this 365-Day devotional, Joyce Meyer, #1 New York Times bestselling author, helps readers achieve a more confident, joyful life by growing closer in their relationship with God. Everyday life can be demanding; it's easy to become distracted by so many things that seem important. But in order to lead a fulfilling life, you have to make time daily for what's most important--your relationship with God. In CLOSER TO GOD EACH DAY, Joyce Meyer, #1 New York Times bestselling author, outlines practicals ways to develop your intimacy with God. Joyce shares powerful Scripture and personal illustrations that will help you experience the peace that is gained through closeness with Him. You'll be inspired each day to make better decisions, live more effectively, and lead the joyful life God has planned for you. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Free The Discerning of Spirits

Descriptions The Discerning of Spirits Free Ebook From the author of Pigs in the Parlor... Jesus gave the commission to cast out demons to the entire Church in Mark 16:17. When God calls us into ministry, He equips us. The gifts of the Holy Spirit, as presented in 1 Corinthians 12, represent God's empowerment to believers to accomplish this task. We must rely on the Holy Spirit for the ministry of deliverance and nothing else, not our own understanding, or the voice of demons, but only the voice of the Holy Spirit to guide us in deliverance and spiritual warfare. Through the gift of the discernment of spirits, we can defeat the enemy in the very place of his counsel and strategy, because God can tell us what (and who) we are coming against. God is a jealous God. He does not permit us to go to any other source other than Himself for wisdom, knowledge, guidance, or power. Through the Holy Spirit we are able to know all that we need to know in order to defeat the devil and his evil sp...

Free Download The Daniel Fast: Feed Your Soul, Strengthen Your Spirit, and Renew Your Body

Descriptions The Daniel Fast: Feed Your Soul, Strengthen Your Spirit, and Renew Your Body book What if you could grow closer to God and improve your health in just 21 days? Susan Gregory, “The Daniel Fast Blogger,” has a plan to help you do just that. Widely recognized as the expert on this 21-day fast inspired by the book of Daniel, Susan has helped thousands of people discover a safe and healthy way to fast. The principles you learn from The Daniel Fast will change the way you view food, your body, and your relationship with the one who created you. Includes 21 days’ worth of Daniel Fast recipes! Visit www.daniel-fast.comWhat if you could grow closer to God and improve your health in just 21 days? Susan Gregory, “The Daniel Fast Blogger,” has a plan to help you do just that. Widely recognized as the expert on this 21-day fast inspired by the book of Daniel, Susan has helped thousands of people discover a safe and healthy way to fast. The principles you learn from The Daniel Fast will...

Free Holiness

Descriptions Holiness Free Online John Charles Ryle's best known works have been reissued and widely read over many years. The fine qualities of his writings have ensured that his books are still popular and useful. This volume has become a classic work and is known and loved by many throughout the world. In days when evangelical preachers are accused of being either superficial or dull, we have here a great example of one who was neither of these things. As Bishop Ryle explains and applies his texts with his customary simplicity and directness, the listener will find his conscience pricked and his soul examined. Ryle addresses hard and trying subjects that most modern evangelicals have chosen to ignore: the power and depth of indwelling sin, the necessity of a holy life, the struggle and fight of faith, counting the cost of following Christ - and that's only in the first five chapters. Ryle's Holiness has become essential reading on this most important subject, and the fir...

Free Download Power Thoughts Devotional: 365 Daily Inspirations for Winning the Battle of the Mind

Descriptions Power Thoughts Devotional: 365 Daily Inspirations for Winning the Battle of the Mind for Free Based on Joyce Meyer's New York Times best seller Power Thoughts, this devotional includes 365 opportunities to tap into God's power in your daily life by thinking and speaking His way. The Power Thoughts Devotional will provide you with life-changing declarations of truth, directly from God's word, to think and speak over your life every day of the year. Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." Simply put, words are containers for power - positive or negative, creative or destructive. Therefore, it is imperative that you learn to think and speak on purpose, using the life-giving wisdom in God's word. When you do, your life will never be the same! If you struggle with being negative, critical, or judgmental of people and situations, don't be discouraged. God wants to help you renew your mind to think and speak as He would....

Free The Love Dare Day by Day: A Year of Devotions for Couples

Descriptions The Love Dare Day by Day: A Year of Devotions for Couples Free Ebook From the writers of the No. 1 New York Times best-seller, The Love Dare. Love is a choice. A daily choice. The Love Dare Day by Day is a daily reminder of how it’s done -- and done well -- taking the source material's original experience to the next level. With 52 weekly dares, this one-year devotional invites you to go deeper into the scriptural principles of The Love Dare and is meant to enrich your relationship with God and your spouse through a daily time of reading, prayer, and action. Make this more than a year of your life. Make it your bold, next step to a lifetime of love. Features of this book include: • 365 devotional readings on unique aspects of genuine love • 52 weekly dares to help you express love in your marriage • Dozens of specific prayers to pray for yourself and your spouse • Questions to get you thinking strategically about your relationship • More than 100 Go Deeper sections tha...

Free How and When to Tell Your Kids About Sex: A Lifelong Approach to Shaping Your Child's Sexual Character (God's Design for Sex Book 5)

Descriptions How and When to Tell Your Kids About Sex: A Lifelong Approach to Shaping Your Child's Sexual Character (God's Design for Sex Book 5) for Free This book will help you establish a biblical view of sexuality for your kids. Learn how and when to talk with your children about sexual curiosity, physical changes of puberty, dating, chastity, and more.This book will help you establish a biblical view of sexuality for your kids. Learn how and when to talk with your children about sexual curiosity, physical changes of puberty, dating, chastity, and more. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Free Forever Faithful (3 Book Series)

Descriptions Forever Faithful (3 Book Series) Free Ebook From Book 1: “I’m afraid there’s been a car accident...” As Hannah Ryan waits for her family to return home from a camping trip, she realizes she has everything going for her—a husband other women admire, two charming teenage daughters, and a loving Christian home. As the sunny afternoon turns into twilight, her uneasiness grows along with the shadows. Then a car pulls into Hannah’s driveway, bringing two police officers...and devastating news that shatters her life forever.In the days that follow, Hannah struggles with unspeakable feelings of sorrow and rage—feelings that fuse into one chilling purpose for living: revenge against Brian Wesley, the drunk driver who has caused all her pain.In her fury, Hannah shuts the Lord out of her life. She’s determined not to forgive Wesley or the God who allowed this tragedy to happen. Can two caring people help Hannah rediscover her faith...bef...

Free Facing the Facts: The Truth About Sex and You (God's Design for Sex)

Descriptions Facing the Facts: The Truth About Sex and You (God's Design for Sex) Free Ebook Designed for children ages 11-14, Facing the Facts equips kids to understand and deal with the changes of puberty. It also examines why God intends sex for marriage, discusses love and dating, and answers tough questions about sexuality. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Free Download One God, One Plan, One Life: A 365 Devotional

Descriptions One God, One Plan, One Life: A 365 Devotional Free Ebook ECPA 2015 Christian Book Award Finalist! One of America’s favorite pastors, Max Lucado offers his first 365 devotional for teens, encouraging them to trust God and His perfect plan for their lives. Life is hard, and today’s teens could use daily guidance and reassurance that God is with them, through it all and despite it all. In One God, One Plan, One Life, bestselling author Max Lucado offers teens an accessible way to connect with their Lord. Daily devotions address such topics as faith and obedience but also offer wisdom on topics that teens battle, such as purity, bullying, alcohol and drug use, and self-image. Each day includes a short devotion and accompanying scripture as well as a take-away application that will inspire and challenge teens to trust in God and His plans for them. One God, One Plan, One Life helps teens to cut through life’s distractions and rely on the one thing that is truly important—a rela...

Free Healing the Wounded Heart: The Heartache of Sexual Abuse and the Hope of Transformation

Descriptions Healing the Wounded Heart: The Heartache of Sexual Abuse and the Hope of Transformation Download Find hope and healing in the wake of sexual abuse If you are one of the millions of people who have suffered abuse in the form of rape, incest, molestation, sexting, sexual bullying, unwanted advances, pornography, and more, you know that hope doesn't come easy and healing can seem impossible. Dan Allender has been there--and he's spent twenty-five years helping other victims of sexual abuse walk the path toward wholeness. Never minimizing the pain or offering pat spiritual answers that don't truly address the problem, Allender calls evil evil and lights the way to renewed joy, one step at a time. "For all those seeking healing, and those who bring healing to others, this is an immensely powerful book filled with wisdom, understanding, and experience--and above all filled with hope. I highly recommend it!"--John Eldredge, author of Wild at Heart and Beauti...

Download The Daniel Plan Study Guide with DVD: 40 Days to a Healthier Life

Descriptions The Daniel Plan Study Guide with DVD: 40 Days to a Healthier Life Download In this six-session video-based Bible study pastor and bestselling author, Rick Warren, teams up with doctors Daniel Amen and Mark Hyman to explore both the spiritual and the health benefits of following a healthy lifestyle based on Daniel’s fast found in scripture.  In Session 1, you’ll learn about what the Daniel plan is, how it was started, why it is healthy. Then, Sessions 2-6 will flesh out the five F’s: Friends, Food, Faith, Fun, and Focus. Each session will highlight testimony from Rick as well as others who have incorporated The Daniel Plan into their everyday lifestyle, plus tips on getting started and medically based information on maintaining a healthy lifestyle by following The Daniel Plan. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Download A Reluctant Bride (Amish of Birch Creek)

Descriptions A Reluctant Bride (Amish of Birch Creek) for Free Sadie Schrock swore that she would never marry. All of her other Amish friends could court and marry; she was content to manage the family business and eventually take it over when her parents were ready to retire. But all of that changes when a reckless driver kills both of her parents and seriously injures her younger sister. With mounting hospital bills adding to the pile of debt her parents left behind, Sadie is left with no choice: she must marry. And not just any man-the man who saw her at her weakest and walked away. Aden knows that what his brother did to Sadie years ago was inexcusable. And every day since that incident, Aden has lived with guilt for not intervening sooner. When he is faced with the chance to protect Sadie once again, he can't let her down-even if it means living with the scorn of the woman he loves for the rest of his life. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Free The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional (The One Year Signature Series)

Descriptions The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional (The One Year Signature Series) for Free Are you and your spouse speaking the same language? He sends you flowers when what you really want is time to talk. She gives you a hug when what you really need is a home-cooked meal. The problem isn’t love―it’s your love language. The Love Languages Devotional is your daily guide to how to express heartfelt love to your loved one. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Download The Urantia Book (Part 3): The History of Urantia [Earth]

Descriptions The Urantia Book (Part 3): The History of Urantia [Earth] for Free After listening to Part 1 and Part 2 of The Urantia Book, listening to Part 3 makes you feel like an astronaut returning to earth from a long space voyage. Part 3 depicts the history of life on earth since its origin more than four-and-one-half billion years ago. It traces the story of human existence from the birth of the first two human beings nearly 993,500 years ago. Beyond explaining our physical evolution, Part 3 describes the development of civilization, industry, government, religion, and family life. The records of human tribulation and progress indicate that we are moving toward a better world. Highlights from Part 3 include: A scientific explanation of the origin of our solar system and our world; the stages of a divinely guided evolutionary process; the ages of fishes, birds, dinosaurs, and primates; how and why human life evolved on earth; the story of the first two human beings; the triumphs a...

Free Download An Amish Year: Four Amish Novellas

Descriptions An Amish Year: Four Amish Novellas PDF Spend a year in Amish country with four sweet romances. Rooted in Love (previously published in An Amish Garden) Rosemary Lantz is doing her best to run her family’s household. She excels at all her tasks except one: gardening. Saul Petersheim has pursued Rosemary for years, but Rosemary keeps turning him down. What Saul doesn’t know is that she has good reason—something no one can know—especially not him. A Love for Irma Rose The year is 1957, and young Irma Rose has a choice to make. Date the man who is “right” for her? Or give Jonas a chance, the wild and reckless suitor who refuses to take no for an answer?  Irma Rose steps onto the path she believes God has planned for her, but when she loses her footing, she is forced to rethink her choice.    Patchwork Perfect Eli Byler has been a widower for two years when he chooses to make a fresh start in Paradise, Pennsylvania. As Eli juggles the admiration of two women, he meets Miriam Fi...

Free The Power That Changes the World: Creating Eternal Impact in the Here and Now

Descriptions The Power That Changes the World: Creating Eternal Impact in the Here and Now Download This is our brightest hour! Every day we make choices that influence the culture and atmosphere around us. We are designed, as part of our purpose, to invade and solve problems here on earth. We've been given the keys to unlock infinite change in the here and now. Take hold of God's power and God's wisdom. As we wield the long-term strategy of His wisdom and the immediacy of His miracle-working power, we will live out the most undeniable demonstration of the heart, passion and nature of God. We will touch--and restore--the hearts of individuals, families, communities, cities and nations. We will create eternal impact and significance right now. What a moment to be alive! As we live out God's power and wisdom, and fully yield ourselves to His purposes--maintaining a heart of hope and promise for the days ahead--we will work wonders for His Kingdom. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOA...

Download Systematic Theology

Descriptions Systematic Theology book Now that my Systematic Theology is again being reprinted, the Preface can be very brief. It is not necessary to say much about the nature of the work, since it has been before the public for more than fifteen years and has been used extensively. I have every reason to be grateful for its kind reception, for the favorable testimony of many reviewers, and for the fact that the book is now used as a textbook in many Theological Seminaries and Bible Schools in our country, and that requests were even received from abroad for permission to translate it into other languages. These are blessings which I had not anticipated, and for which I am deeply grateful to God. To Him be all the honor. And if the work may continue to be a blessing in many sections of the Church of Jesus Christ, it will but increase my recognition of the abundant grace of God.Now that my Systematic Theology is again being reprinted, the Preface can be very brief. It is not necessary t...

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Descriptions I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist Free Ebook ############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################### . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Free Download The Five Love Languages Audio: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate

Descriptions The Five Love Languages Audio: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate PDF For partners seeking harmony, how we express ourselves is as important as what we say. This audio-tape set helps us figure out which words and actions our spouse interprets as loving and affirming, and which ones are indifferent and demeaning. Two cassettes included. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Free Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith

Descriptions Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith Free Ebook 2012 Preaching Survey of the Year's Best Books for Preachers Why is God love? Because God is a Trinity. Why can we be saved? Because God is a Trinity. How are we able to live the Christian life? Through the Trinity. In this lively book, we find an introduction to Christianity and the Christian life that is from start to finish rooted in our triune God―Father, Son and Spirit. Not only do we understand the person and work of Christ through the Trinity, but also prayer, the church and every aspect of our faith. With wit and clarity, Reeves draws from church history down to the present referencing a wide range of notable teachers and preachers. Here is a rich and enjoyable portrayal of the basic beliefs of Christianity that opens up the profound and life-changing truths of our faith. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Free He Came To Set the Captives Free

Descriptions He Came To Set the Captives Free for Free For seventeen years, Elaine served her master, Satan, with total commitment. Then she met Dr. Rebecca Brown, who served her master, Jesus Christ, with equal commitment. Elaine, one of the top witches in the U.S., clashed with Dr. Brown, who stood against her alone. In the titanic life-and-death struggle that followed, Dr. Brown nearly lost her life. Elaine, finding a power and love greater than anything Satan could give her, left Satan and totally committed her life to Jesus Christ. In this honest, in-depth account of Satan's activities today, you'll see how to recognize and combat the many satanists who regularly infiltrate and destroy Christian churches; recognize and combat satanic attacks; and recognize those serving Satan, and bring them to Jesus Christ. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Free Download Sticky Teams: Keeping Your Leadership Team and Staff on the Same Page

Descriptions Sticky Teams: Keeping Your Leadership Team and Staff on the Same Page Free Ebook Serving as a church leader can be a tough assignment. Whatever your role, odds are you’ve known your share of the frustration, conflict, and disillusionment that comes with silly turf battles, conflicting vision, and marathon meetings. No doubt, you’ve asked yourself, “How did it get this way?” With practical and accessible wisdom, Larry Osborne explains how it got this way. He exposes the hidden roadblocks, structures, and goofy thinking that sabotage even the best intentioned teams. Then with time-tested and proven strategies he shows what it takes to get (and keep) a board, staff, and congregation on the same page. Whatever your situation; from start-up phase, to mid-sized, to megachurch, Osborne has been there. As the pastor of North Coast Church he’s walked his board, staff, and congregation through the process. Now with warm encouragement and penetrating insights he shares his secrets to...